At the end of August our family took a vacation to Door County (one of our fav places to vacation!) and we stopped at a coffee shop one day for a snack. Inside were some postcards advertising something called "The Hal Prize". This is a creative writing and photography contest held by "Peninsula Pulse", which is Door County's newspaper. My wife encourage me to enter as the deadline was approaching in a couple weeks.
Not knowing anything about the contest except that the judges were a father-daughter duo I entered three images (the maximum allowed) and pretty much forgot about it. To my surprise at the end of October I received an email informing me that "Follow the Leader" received 2nd place out of 374 images entered (the most the contest has ever received).
Besides the recognition I received a $100 and a free copy of the first-ever printed issue of "8142 Review" which is a small magazine with all the winners of the various categories. It is a very classy publication and I'm honored to be included (see photo above).
The judges even wrote comments on the top three images chosen so it was nice to get feedback on what they liked about my photo (and the others). The judges also had some incredible credentials including work at National Geographic and winning multiple awards for photojounalism in Washington D.C.
I just may enter again next year! See this link to order a copy of "8142 Review":
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